Fresh flower bouquet - Large


Large bouquet of freshly picked, seasonal flowers.

Flowers will be delivered in a glass jar to keep flowers fresher for longer.

Flora is home grown in Waipapakauri with sustainability at the forefront of our values.

Every bouquet comes with a botanically dyed handmade card, made in N.Z.

Bunches change each week depending on what is blooming.

Delivery area: Waipapakauri, Awanui, Kaitaia and Doubtless Bay. (Non-rural)


Delivery days:

Kaitaia/Awanui - Tuesday

Doubtless Bay - Thursday

If you would like delivery on a different day- send me an email and I'll see what I can do.

I require at least a day’s notice for flower deliveries as I pick in the evening or early morning. This means if you order flowers on a Monday for Monday delivery, they will be delivered the following Monday.

At this stage I am unable to delivery to rural addresses. 1-2kms from the main road is fine but nothing further afield.

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Large bouquet of freshly picked, seasonal flowers.

Flowers will be delivered in a glass jar to keep flowers fresher for longer.

Flora is home grown in Waipapakauri with sustainability at the forefront of our values.

Every bouquet comes with a botanically dyed handmade card, made in N.Z.

Bunches change each week depending on what is blooming.

Delivery area: Waipapakauri, Awanui, Kaitaia and Doubtless Bay. (Non-rural)


Delivery days:

Kaitaia/Awanui - Tuesday

Doubtless Bay - Thursday

If you would like delivery on a different day- send me an email and I'll see what I can do.

I require at least a day’s notice for flower deliveries as I pick in the evening or early morning. This means if you order flowers on a Monday for Monday delivery, they will be delivered the following Monday.

At this stage I am unable to delivery to rural addresses. 1-2kms from the main road is fine but nothing further afield.

Large bouquet of freshly picked, seasonal flowers.

Flowers will be delivered in a glass jar to keep flowers fresher for longer.

Flora is home grown in Waipapakauri with sustainability at the forefront of our values.

Every bouquet comes with a botanically dyed handmade card, made in N.Z.

Bunches change each week depending on what is blooming.

Delivery area: Waipapakauri, Awanui, Kaitaia and Doubtless Bay. (Non-rural)


Delivery days:

Kaitaia/Awanui - Tuesday

Doubtless Bay - Thursday

If you would like delivery on a different day- send me an email and I'll see what I can do.

I require at least a day’s notice for flower deliveries as I pick in the evening or early morning. This means if you order flowers on a Monday for Monday delivery, they will be delivered the following Monday.

At this stage I am unable to delivery to rural addresses. 1-2kms from the main road is fine but nothing further afield.